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標籤: Ramblings
標籤: Ramblings
標籤: Chef school
The banquet/large quantity class is a cooking event that has a special theme each week: the first week we had chicken, last week we had lamb, and this week? Pig! And I really love the habitant pea soup my fellow classmate and I did--it's just awesome! The secret? put aaaaaa lot of fat in it :-) We put in 75+ grams of butter, 150+ gram of slab bacon, and two big chuncks of ham with bone and all the fat attached!
標籤: Chef school
The wine tasting class was pretty fun. We spent the first two hours on theory, which had enormous information. During the last hour we tasted eight wines...
標籤: Chef school, Wine tasting
標籤: Chef school
Here's how the streets around my place are like at 12:30AM on a Saturday night... pretty impressive isn't it? As far as I remember the streets in HK started to die down already at mid-night. Well, at least it was 14 years ago before I immigrated to Canada.
標籤: Ramblings
I know that working in a kitchen has a lot of yelling and all that, but couldn't have imagined that the kitchen of Susur Lee, a celebrity chef in Toronto, can be this bad...
標籤: Restaurant
The first dish taht I made in the Culinary Skills class: Clear vegetable soupm, which uses a chicken stock base I made. The taste? I think it's OK, although it's a bit less salt than it should be. But other than that the chef was pleased with it.
標籤: Chef school
"When there is a way, there is a way."
Now with my 30th birthday coming up, I find myself without goals and even odder, without a desire to have anything more.
"Why, when we are challenged to survive, do we give ourselves permission to turely live?"
標籤: Ramblings
I've been whining about the hopelessly non-competitive airline business in Canada--we only have two shining companies here: Air Canada and WestJet... and we don't have any website selling discounted tickets like what they have down south. We have been paying high prices flying across the contient: the last time I checked a direct flight from Toronto to Seattle in November costs CAD$800 on aircanada.ca! This is just ridiculous--for that fare I can probably go back to HK from the west coast during low season, let alone there is Oasis now... And the plane we have is not a Boeing nor Air Bus... it's a small European company that makes planes with only ONE bathroom for the entire 120+ seat economic cabin. So as soon as the safty belt signal is off, there will be a VERY LONG line at the back of the plane....
標籤: Ramblings
第一次入廚房煮大鑊飯!我負責煮馬鈴薯泥... 沒有太大的挑戰,卻很好玩 :)當中的隊工、大家的投入、是最吸引人的地方。
標籤: Chef school
標籤: Movie, Ramblings, Restaurant
今年中因出走歐洲而錯過了SIFF,幸好來到多倫多有TIFF,而且比SIFF更大規模 (來自55個國家349套電影)。
標籤: 國文, Chef school, Movie, Ramblings
Just read this touching love story, in which the couple had seven years of long distance relationship but they finally happily married!
標籤: Ramblings
I just don't understand, that "Beginner" French class is so difficult! 80% of what the teacher said was in French, and 80% of my classmates konw French in certain degree. I guess that's because of the mandatory French lessons kids need to take till Grade 9. There are a few students who can introduce themselves in fluent French--it's not just ordinary introduciton, but the teacher gave 15 questions where they need to answer and include in their "speech"!
標籤: Chef school, Ramblings
第一天上學,聽得最多的,就是 Shit! Butchery 的老師說,Shit 是 culinary term: "Get a shit of beef loin", "cooking shit", "the kitchen is in deep shit"... 哈哈!很快,我應該變成另外一個人了...
標籤: 國文, Chef school, Ramblings
剛剛又剃了鬚,因為學校不准。沒法唷,要不就要 wear a beard net!!
標籤: 國文
Just received this picture from my friend who's renting the house... I guess there is still some time before Sassy can get along with her new friend!