job - career - vocation?
Over the weekend the fellowship went to Black Lake Bible camp for a retreat. The theme for this year's is 七二四打工仔須知-營業中的信仰.

whose finger this belongs to?????
[... more sharings to come... ]
Over the weekend the fellowship went to Black Lake Bible camp for a retreat. The theme for this year's is 七二四打工仔須知-營業中的信仰.
has forgiven us of all our sins, then when Judgment day come, what will we be judge on?
Happy Father's Day!
標籤: Family
today i went to mason lake located at interstate 90 exit 45. it was a great, but very tiring hike! although the review of the hike from the above linke says that it generally takes 1.5 hours to go up the hill, but we spent almost 3 hours to go up there. i think i will rate it as moderate-difficult instead of just moderate. the slope is steep, and we actually climbed to more than 4000 feet.
so i have moved into this new office for a week now. so far so good. my officemate is really nice and easy going. very experienced and helpful. and the nice view too! these two days the weather is gorgeous that i can see the tip of mount rainier resting far away from my office! and the breeze too--much better than the humid and rather warm room of my home.
those famous political commenters need to resign from the talk show... *SIGH* I can smell an intensive competition is going on in the US game console market...
PSX will be going out to the Japanese market 7/1!!! Can't wait to see its arrival to the US. Too bad xbox has quite a market here, or else we could have a peek of the loveingly white machine earlier than the European. However, I think I probably won't be an early adoptor this time since my PS2 has already equipped with a harddisk loaded with PS2Linux, although, well, their usage is not quite the same.
i just checked out the real - starz website and found out that the claimed-to-be 1.5Mbps bandwidth qwest is providing me worths only 500mbps and less on their website. what that means? that means i am not able to use their new venture of movie downloads... *sigh* probably i need turning to those online dvd rental sites... oh well, may be that's good for me for now, since i don't think i'd enjoy a movie on my 15' monitor. on the other hand, i think i'm gonna busy again soon with my enrolment of c++ certificate course at uw. with my recent job change to an sde, i'm pretty comfortable that they'll accpet me to the game development program. but since the company is paying the tuition, why not taking it?
LOS ANGELES, CA: The following statement was released by Michael Reagan.
just came back from the toronto trip. it's been two weeks away from work and there has been lots of things to catch up. man... i shouldn't have planned such a long vacation.