6月 17, 2004

finally i understand why...

those famous political commenters need to resign from the talk show... *SIGH* I can smell an intensive competition is going on in the US game console market...

who will win? who will become the next (not iron chef) console king? that doesn't matter. what matters is we should have competition so consumers can always have a choice. please, give us back the freedom to choose. consumer should be the final benefiter of all business competition!

that said, i think i can only get this in the ideal world... monopolying the market is happening everywhere in this world... the gates', the lee's, and in the political realm of many countries. *SIGH*

( more on 発売日:2004年7月1日(木) !!!!: 7/1 is coincidently the same date when hk handovered back to china.... does that mean anything to sony? )

just came across this website looks like the computer power supplies we are now using is achieving 60-70%. power supply... a term i haven't even think of after my gradution with a EE degree....



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