1月 30, 2008
1月 26, 2008
Cultivating "seed"
Day two of making a sourdough. It's time consuming, but fun to raise a bread without using yeast.
1月 23, 2008
1月 22, 2008
1月 21, 2008
曲/詞:黃玠 演唱者:娃娃
以為寫首好歌 走路就能抬起頭
現在的我 失去了衝動
親愛的 Cobain 是否也曾愛慕虛榮
現在的我 變得好懦弱
雨會下雨會停 這是不變的道理
夜空中北極星 迷路的人不恐懼
我唱歌你在聽 一切風平又浪靜
G和絃的根音 撫平脆弱的心靈
我只想牽著你 走到很遠的夢裡
小木屋紅屋頂 地址是一個祕密
你抱著小貓咪 藍眼睛不再憂鬱
香格里拉在那裡 讓我們去找尋
標籤: Ramblings
1月 20, 2008
重點是,時常有感恩的心 :)
作詞:陳樂融 作曲:陳志遠
我來自偶然 像一顆塵土
我來自何方 我情歸何處
天地雖寬 這條路卻難走
我還有多少愛 我還有多少淚
要蒼天知道 我不認輸
感恩的心 感謝有你
伴我一生 讓我有勇氣作我自己
感恩的心 感謝命運
花開花落 我一樣會珍惜
標籤: 四川
1月 19, 2008

Moving the droppings isn't an easy task since it's smelly, it's dirty, and the bags are pretty heavy. I was pretty disappointed for what I had to do until I saw him--a boy living with one leg who climbed the mountains and a long stair case, coming to the rabbit farm standing here helping us pack the droppings... and from his expression I can tell that he's pretty happy with what he's doing. Well, sure, he might be used to this kind of job already, but still, I can't imagine if I were him I can still be living happily...
標籤: 四川
1月 17, 2008

Interesting enough, my mom bought exactly the same stuffs as I did: curry powder (thought what she got was pre-mixed), lamb for stewing, onions, and coconut milk. It all happened coincidently... pretty amazing, isn't it?
I don't know the final result yet, as it's still cooking. However it does smells really good!
標籤: Food
1月 12, 2008
1月 07, 2008
The three-week trip to Asia was pretty tiring but exciting and rewarding. I'll try my best to recap what had happened.

After 18 months of fighting against cancer, "little uncle" finally left this world in peace, surrounded by loved ones singing hymns and prayers.
As far as I could remember, "little uncle" was pretty funny--although he looked serious. Sometimes he looked too serious that you didn't even know he had just cracked a joke. I guess that's what most pastors do? Little uncle used to live in Yeun Long, which is pretty far away from where we lived so I didn't get a lot of chances seeing him. Every time when I needed to go to his house it was like a whole day trip. He used to live by his church, and had a few scary doggies. I remember I was left alone in his office and there was a huge, barking German Shepherd right outside waiting for me. At that time I needed to pee but I was so scared that I didn't even dare to make a single move.... and guess what? I peed right in his office :-)
"Haaa... oh well, I could blame that it was the dog who made the mess" that's my excuse I thought in case I got caught afterwards...
Little uncle loved eating hot peppers. He used to put several 指天椒 in his mouth at once and chewed on them as if they were bubble gum. May be that's why I love spicy food as well?
Little uncle liked collecting inexpensive "古玩" and was willing to share some of them with my mom :) Too bad I wasn't able to appreciate his collections at that time, or else I could had owned some of his treasures.
Little uncle also spent a lot of his time doing missionary work in China. I missed much of the details but I could imagine running around China in his 60's building up churches wasn't easy. The last phone call I had with him was when I came back from a short term missionary trip from Mongolia back in 2002. He sounded excited about what I had done and encouraged me...
I'm sure there are a lot of other pieces that little uncle had left in my life, and I'm sure I'll meet him again in the better place soon.
標籤: 四川