10月 07, 2008


自從爸爸離開後,很久沒有在家好好做菜了。今天媽提意到 St. Lawrence Market 走走,於是便買了材料回家。今天晚上的主角之一是烤牛仔骨髓。這道菜是我在 David Lee 那間 Splendido 做 stage 時學的。理論上牛仔骨髓要用水浸十二個小時以上,好讓血水流出,但因時間關係,我只浸了三四個小時,還一邊用力把血水迫出。結果效果不錯啊。

另一位主角腹肉牛排(hanger steak)也很不錯。Hanger steak 也叫「butcher's steak」,因為一頭牛只有一塊,而且肉質很嫩肉味很好,所以屠夫一般會留給自己而不賣。我媽很厲害,吃一口就知道是上佳的肉。雖然她做菜的技術每況越下,但她的味雷一流,什麼好吃不好吃她一試便知道。





At 9:51 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

looks yummy... you should ship one over :)

At 8:44 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

The food presentation looks pretty good. Can't wait to try your cooking again one day. Hope your hands will get well soon!

- Andrew

At 11:14 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Then where did you get taht piece of meat from? Don't tell me that you're now working as a butcher as well. Or are you ... ?

At 1:13 下午, Blogger euqus said...

GIE - I'd ship some if you pay for it haaa

Andrew - I'm missing your food too! I'm so looking forward to cooking with you again.

-H- Haaa you're smart. I got that butcher's steak from a butcher. But then it's not easy to find one, and the butcher doesn't even have a price tag for it.



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