說真的,我對歷史的興趣不是太大。本以為讀有關食物的歷史會比較有趣,但看來也沒有什麼不同。這本書是從人文的角度記載了很多關於飲食文化的資料,但我比較有興趣知道的,是從廚師的角度看餐飲烹調文化在不同的國家中的歷史和演變。另外,「Food in History」着實是一個很大的題目,還要把從史前開始至今整個世界的飲食歷史濃縮在三百多頁的書中,很多題目便輕輕帶過...
Why don't you research on the topic and write somethin? Remeber Tam Wing Hong? He actually sent the articles he wrote to Ming Pao every day. When one day, one of the columnist in Mao Pao failed to hand in his work on time, the Editor took one of Tam's work in replacement. From then onwards, he kept writing for Ming Pao and got his own column soon. Now, he is writing hsi sixth or seventh book
Why don't you research on the topic and write somethin? Remeber Tam Wing Hong? He actually sent the articles he wrote to Ming Pao every day. When one day, one of the columnist in Mao Pao failed to hand in his work on time, the Editor took one of Tam's work in replacement. From then onwards, he kept writing for Ming Pao and got his own column soon. Now, he is writing hsi sixth or seventh book
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