My Life in France (《我在法國的歲月》)是美國著名廚師和烹飪節目主持人 Julia Child 在她92歲時寫成的個人口述傳記。在這本書寫完後不久,她便去世了。Julia Child 大半生致力研究烹飪,也是把法國菜在一般美國家庭發揚光大的重要人物之一,難怪美國國務院也有她的參考資料。最有趣的是,她在37歲時才開始做學徒,在此以前她對烹飪一點也不認識。其後她在外交部任職文化官員的丈夫被派駐巴黎,而她在當地的第一餐午餐就令她感受到法國菜的震撼力:
I closed my eyes and inhaled the rising perfume. Then I lifted a forkful of fish (Dover Sole) to my mouth, took a bite, and chewed slowly. The flesh of the sole was delicate, with a light but distinct taste of the ocean that blended marvelously with the browned butter. I chewed slowly and swallowed. It was a morsel of perfection.
In all the years since that succulent meal, I have yet to lose the feelings of wonder and excitement that it inspired me. I can still almost taste it. And thinking back on it now reminds me that the pleasures of the table, and of life, are infinite--toujours bon appétit!
自此之後,她便在 Cordon Bleu 學習廚藝,瘋狂做菜試菜。其後更出版了重要鉅著 Mastering the Art of French Cooking(《精通法式料理藝術》),並在多個烹飪節目中教授法國菜。在她對做菜和寫書的認真態度中,我好像看見自己的不足:她是很單純認真的寫好她的書,做好她的菜,而我就還沒有這種執著。
... nothing is too much trouble if it turns out the way it should. Good results require that one take time and care.... careful approach will result in a magnificent burst of flavor, a thoroughly satisfying meal, perhaps even a life-changing experience.
也許這是我到 Satori 工作的原因之一,因他們對食物很尊重,也很有心的做每道菜。
標籤: Books
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