8月 17, 2007


What should I write on the last entry before leaving for Toronto? This same question popped up in my mind over and over again this past week while I was packing, shooting, having swell times with friends, and crossing the I-90 bridge on foot all alone the other day.

A lot came across my mind, and a lot of them have you in it.

Thank you all for enriching my short stay in Seattle!

Willis, from your smile the other day I met you at Apple Bees, I know you found what you've been looking for. I'm proud of you :-) And thanks for your rides and your continuous help of finishing the alcohol in the fridge!

Jonathan, thank you so much for organizing all these events for me. I wish your radio show will continue to become one of the hottest show in Vancouver! Remember what you've promised in the Noodles House :-)

Leon and KK, you don't talk much but whenever you have something to say, it's so genuine and sincere. Thanks for tonight's advice. It's hard to accept but I know that's what I need to be careful of. But trust me. And pray for me. And thank you so much for the drawing!! You almost made me cried...

Crystal and Alfred, please do let me know how you did it! I will soon send you a laundry list of questions :)

Jacky Ho, I can't believe that we had been lunch buddies for over three years--where all the restaurants we used to eat at were all either closed or changed ownership! But despite all the changes, I'm glad we can still be good friends. Thanks for all your tips about traveling!!

Peggy, Ha! you know the phrase engraved on the knife almost made me cry... it marks the end of a life stage that means a lot to me. Thanks for picking it! And of course, thanks for all the digital goodies :-)

Doug, go for it! Seize your chances!

Derrick, designer's lamps are well worth it :-)

David, it's been nice having a housemate like you! I can't forget it when you were cleaning the lawn without being asked!

Jeff Chow, thanks for being my prayer warrior!

CL and Jessy, thanks for taking care of my house! Next time when I visit you guys, hopefully Akiko will forget who I am and stop avoiding me....

Eva Chau, good luck with whatever you're going after!

Jacky Chow, thanks for the idea of engraving names on the knife. I love it!

Amy, hope you'd enjoy the turntable... my dearest turntable. Next time when I'm Seattle I have to try it again!

Jackie, sorry I didn't know that you really want that same turntable :( You know me, I'm impatient.

LuLu, next time we've got to have a home cook meal!

Raymond and Bonnie! Thanks so much for taking the pictures and video, and hosting the party! Looking back the pictures I look silly but was fun!

Chak and Joanna, you always make me laugh when I see you guys hitting each other :)

Rick, thanks for taking care of my tax return!! Hopefully I'll not be probed again this year :p

Yuk, hope things will turn out to be good eventually. Put your trust in Him!

Arion, don't give up! I'm sure you can do what you want to do.

Jim Chan!! Keep on shooting! You inspired me a lot! Looking forward to your new postings. And yeah, will keep what you shared in prayers.

Yu-shan, thanks for visiting from time to time :-) I'm so glad you're converted. Love rules! Tell me how she did it... I may need your help...

Richard Chan! I can't help but... congrats!!! Thanks for all the advices along the way!

Danny, thanks for your call on my first Sunday in Seattle, thanks for being my angel!

There are a lot of others I have to say thanks... your bravery fighting with cancer and keeping your faith in god; your continuity of serving Him as a short term mission warrior; your unfailing trust in Him through your single life; your clear vision and perseverance; your sermons and the heart of following His tiny little voices; your unconditional love to your fellowship kids; your advices that I should take an extended trips to Europe and experience the solo traveling; thanks for the books you carefully selected for me to help me advance as a software engineer, and thanks for fortune telling using my name :)

I know... the list will never end. There aren't many 7 years in my life, and I'm glad I met you all. It was difficult to recognize my dream and it will be more difficult to turn it into reality. But form your encouragement I shall find strength.

I will think of you.

Last but not least, I thank God for putting me here in Seattle. You opened my eyes, your blessings and provisions through all these years, and you helped me to find myself!


Am I lost?



生命之中 有多少經歷
好多年 都不曾忘記
但是你問我 什麼是愛
只能憑感覺 在人海裡 尋找所謂的愛
有人一輩子 沒有伴
過著 東奔西跑的日子
想著 揮之不去的問題
感情 和個人的平衡點常常失去重心
放手上 風一吹就會掉下去
有時 卻想放棄
搖搖欲墜其實最自私 是自己




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