4月 26, 2007

Half dead....

The EU trip planning is not easy. I spent hours to send emails to find and negotiate lodging places in Italy, let alone I haven't done any work for France and London. It's tiring... and it should be fun--when I look back.

Here's what I have settled so far--the cities in orange means I have a place to stay. Half way through! Good though my super faithful personal travel agent is standing by me all the time. Friendship... is really priceless :-)

Have heard good things about The Fat Duck, which is ranked the second on the S.Pellegrino World's Best Restaurants list 2007.... will I get a chance to try it :-) Eating there alone will be super odd... think about it, a very Chinese Chinese sitting alone in a dimly lit corner of the world's most famous restaurant with jeans and a pair of hiking shoes... Sigh... I started to hate traveling solo. Hum, may be I should try my luck and apply for a position at this restaurant a year after... do they care about my color??

And talking about trips, another friend "戀上週日床" gave me great info on the great Southwest... I love to visit there too (particularly the Very Large Array!)



At 12:34 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Searching for accommmodations are tiresome and not necessarily rewarding!
Next time try not book anything. That's how i did on my croatia trip. The only place I booked was a hostel/camp outside venice as it was my first stop.

At 4:15 下午, Blogger euqus said...

Thanks for the tips! I'm thinking of scrubing all of the plans and re-do it...

Just because I am addicted to food :-)



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