Last night, I slept at 2, woke up at 5, and could never go back to sleep... It must be the food... Eating too much too late (we're done with the dinner at 11) so the stomach needed to keep working and hence I could never get into a good sleep.
At least that's my theory.
In fact I was woke up by a horrible dream. Someone wanted to kill me again.
There is an interview scheduled at 1am tonight! Talking to an employer that is located in Hong Kong... I was thinking that I should keep on writing code while I'm at school to not only get financial support, but also to have something to fall back onto if it turns out I hate working in the kitchen. But then after a second thought, I should get myself concentrated on what I really want to do--at least for now. Having too much options isn't a good thing after all...
That said, I'm tempted to start my own project :)
I've started planning a trip to Yellowstone during the Memorial Day weekend. I'm planning for 5 days. Thanks for all the help, Jacky! Today I passed by the building where the restaurant 太平洋餐廳 used to be located, in which Jacky and I had lunch over there at least twice a week... And now, the restaurant was closed long time ago and the building is being remodeled to become a museum. And Jacky has already switched two companies since he's gone like two years ago.
And what about me?
I'm still wandering around the same old Chinatown almost every day looking for food...
Food is always like that. It reminds you a lot of your past, the people you ate with, and the people who prepared the food for you.
I really like this issue of 《飲食男女》, there is an introduction that says:
麵 包 是 有 生 命 的 , 從 一 團 麵 粉 加 水 加 糖 加 酵 母 加 雞 蛋 開 始 , 它 的 生 命 就 開 始 了 。
經 麵 包 師 一 番 揉 搓 , 入 焗 爐 焗 好 , 一 身 金 黃 , 新 鮮 出 爐 , 在 生 命 最 閃 爍 一 刻 , 你 選 了 它 。
菠蘿 包 、 雞 尾 包 、 墨 西 哥 包 、 麥 包 、 椰 絲 奶 油 包 … … 不 同 的 人 選 了 他 們 心 中 最 愛 , 這時 , 它 闖 進 你 的 嘴 巴 , 與 你 身 邊 的 人 、 物 、 事 , 圓 融 為 一 個 記 憶 !
今 夕 何 夕, 麵 包 潮 一 浪 接 一 浪 , 花 款 琳 瑯 滿 目 , 這 些 舊 包 被 遺 落 在 一 角 落 , 偶 爾 重 遇 , 那 味道 如 一 根 絲 , 牽 引 到 何 年 何 月 , 想 起 一 些 人 一 些 事 和 那 口 屬 於 你 私 人 的 滋 味 來 。
那 情 懷 、 舊 記 憶 , 全 收 攏 在 一 個 麵 包 。
標籤: Ramblings
Nothing wrong to have something to fall back on and that will not distract you. On the other hand it help ease off some financial burdena and worries unless you are very well off;)
Thanks for the advice! My plan is to get a part time job in the food business (i.e. being a waiter etc) while I'm at school.... this would allow me to learn more about the business. This said, it also means I wouldn't have much time and energy to work on the coding side job--at least it'll be a lot of pressure to meet my client's deadline. I'd rather keep on coding as a leisure, and do some projects that is, again, realted to the food business...
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