Argh, missed Hilary Hahn's recital today, and my friends were saying that it was a very good concert...
Oh well, may be it's a good thing, I don't need to pretend I know classical music during and after the performance :-)
Didn't know that 英皇道炳記 was one of the hottest restaurants in Hong Kong (yeah I said "was" , since you know how fast things change in that little place). This place is right across to the street where I lived when I was small. It reminded me a lot of my first times: my frist time having 炸醬面 with my dad, the first time I had hot pot, and the first dinner I had with my friends at night...
I heard that the following are not bad:
地 址 ︰ 鰂 魚 涌 英 皇 道 911 號 地 下
電 話 ︰ 25614351
營 業 時 間 : 星 期 一 至 五 12nn-2:30pm , 5pm-12:30am 星 期 六 、
日 及 公 眾 假 期 5pm-12:30am
收 費 ︰ 只 收 現 金 , 不 設 加 一 。
交 通 ︰ 魚 涌 地 鐵 站 B1 出 口
泊 車 ︰ 麗 池 花 園 $16/hr 。
標籤: Ramblings, Restaurant
where's 魚 涌? ;)
It is 魚則 魚 涌 (Quarry Bay)
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