
《Me and you and everyone we know》 《你,我,他她他》 is a funny movie. There are a lot of reviews and summaries out there alrady, so I'm not going to repeat.
And what can you say with a film that has 15 awards?
You either love it, or hate it :-)
Well, I guess one of the reasons why this movie got so many awards was that the story is very familiar to everyone, that people are so looking to love and be loved, yet we are scared getting too close to the people around us. We like to communicate with friends using various "high tech" channels--blogging, messenging, emailing. We meet friends, "soulmates", and what not on various websites. The ending of the movie is funny but also satirely.
This movie is a success, since it's a story about me, you, and everyone we know.
If you really love me, let's make a vow - right here, together... right now.
標籤: Movie
By the way... I just went back to your older blog entries and check.... haaa... figured I should quote you this:
Don't be stupid =P
I read an article from 生果日報 saying that 楊千嬅 was not going to take that new contract... sigh
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