
Sigh, looking at how she enjoys the little house, I could do nothing but 心軟... I guess that's the best part of having cats--you enjoy them being naughty.

未雨綢謬, you can't go wrong with it.
Apart from the mess the snow brought to Seattle, it's indeed very beautiful. I used to see a lot of snow when i was in Toronto, but I had never taken the time to take a closer look of it. After all, standing in -30+F with windchill effects isn't something enjoyable already.
Read a blog from my friend's learning that there are people out there pledging to themselves saying that they will live on second hand products except food, medicine, and essential toiletries.
Living thriftily, hence, become a recent trend in this rich country :-) Well, I guess I AM living compactly, since I used to shop my furniture and kitchen utensils from eBay and Good Will... Oh well, those are supposed to be collectible vintage quality, so it's supposed to be more thrifty as I can probably re-sell them at the same price.
Argh, every and each furniture/home decor has its own story to tell, and I'm sad every time when I even think of parting with them.
標籤: Ramblings
茜: Sorry...COPY is RIGHT..I confess that I steal the photo of your sweet sweet Sassy.
Haha feel free :)
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