我以為認真去做 就能實現我的夢
Apparently, 娃娃's throat has healed up :-) but this time she's chosen to walk her own path...
《香格里拉》 (listen)
詞:黃玠 曲:黃玠
編曲:黃玠 製作:黃小楨
我以為認真去做 就能實現我的夢
以為寫首好歌 走路就能抬起頭
現在的我 失去了衝動
親愛的Cobain 是否也曾愛慕虛榮
現在的我 變得好懦弱
雨會下雨會停 這是不變的道理
夜空中北極星 迷路的人不恐懼
我唱歌你在聽 一切風平又浪靜
G 和絃的根音 撫平脆弱的心靈
我只想牽著你 走到很遠的夢裡
小木屋紅屋頂 地址是一個祕密
你抱著小貓咪 藍眼睛不再憂鬱
香格里拉在那裡 讓我們去找尋

I thought only European would have those cool looking stuffs, but fortunately American's design isn't bad too! Check out this MetroNap next time when you are at the Vancouver Internaitonal Airport.
I'm sure they'll have a hard time figuring how to lower down our performance curve if they install one of these in the office!
No kidding, if I were the boss, I would definitely get myself one--an office with the door locked and the blinds shut :-) And yeah, add a Bose too.

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