12月 23, 2006


Just read this blog 《末日誘惑》, pretty thought-provoking.

To be honest, if I were to accuse Christians I know of, I can point my finger to a lot of people.

Myself included.
因為世人都犯了罪, 虧缺了神的榮耀 (羅馬書 3:23)
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

That said, the spreading of rumours, the finger pointing, the comparison, the teases, the boastful thoughts, the 虛偽, 表裡不一, and... all these add up kill a lot of Christians, and non-Christians.

Myself included.

I guess it's a good time in Christmas to rethink why and how the birth of Jesus relates to me. But no matter what, I'm thankful that I am blessed by something that happened 2000+ years ago.


A very touching blog about the story of 棋棋...

Yeah, it doesn't matter how long your life is!

What matters the most?

"跟隨主腳縱 ,活出超凡生命。"




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