(巴黎沒有) 摩天輪
王菀之's talented! It's pretty funny to watch this live version of her 派台之作《雷電》in her new album 《詩情.畫意》:
The 《(巴黎沒有) 摩天輪》is not bad too. I like the lyrics! Everything can be perfect--if it's a fantasy.
(巴黎沒有) 摩天輪 王菀之
作曲:王菀之 作詞:林夕 編曲 / 監製:The Invisible Men
大家闔起雙眼 幻想在凱旋門吃早餐
也許雪花四綻 然後你驚鐵塔很冷
然後登上摩天輪 迎著細雪轉動 我笑你超重
凝望北歐的晚空 美得我怕轉面你會失蹤
為何竟有摩天輪 全為要我感動 何必不去相信
一直聽你亂說 逼真到 連頭髮亦冰凍
為何想到摩天輪 然後更會轉動 替你我相送
停在思想的半空 這可算作快樂我也不懂
如能擁有摩天輪 寧願永遠不動 隨風宣佈婚訊
哭著講我願意 多得你 成全快樂的痛
如何拖你手旅行 從沒有這好運
我故作興奮 然而虛構的旅行太真

Next steps? Interview the South Seattle Community College. Not that I'm going there, but I wanted to meet someone who can inspire me. If I'm still positive making this career change, I'd go east to the Culinary Institute of America located in Hyde Park (a "non-profit" school that charges $10K per semester for a three-year program), and the George Brown Chef School (a government funded school that's on the top list within N. America) in Toronto.
I was told that Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, Frnace is a top school as well.
Ha, European trained! A good selling point.
(巴黎沒有) 摩天輪, dude.
Have been printing again for the entire day again. For some reasons I can't print the hightlight detail on Kodak's Ultra Endura, while comparing to the digital scan of the same film. I have burned 100% but the highlights on the right side of the following picture is missing the detail. This is the second time I encourter such limitation. May be the paper is too contrasty?

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