12月 02, 2006


I started worrying of having no income after going back to school, so I thought it'd be a good idea to start earning from being various websites' associate (that's why you are seeing a little change in my layout).

It wasn't easy... it took me few hours to come up with what I'm having now. But then... I'm not sure how much I'm going to earn, since I only have 30+ hits per day, and I'm sure most of my friends don't (need to) buy CD/DVD/books....

Sigh... it's particularly discouraging after I knew that 周麗淇's blog has 800 thousands+ hits within half a year!

Hum, I guess I better start some real associates sites again...


At 12:10 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

hmm... Is your new change is to sell "roast duck" online? ;)


At 11:31 上午, Blogger euqus said...


Actually, I saw this guy standing in front of the BBQ ducks for at least 10 minutes. I don't know what he's thinking. He seemed like *thinking* he should get a duck for dinner, but he never got into the store.

Well, may be he's too loaded up already?

After posting the banner, I thought of soem quotes I had in my previous blogs...

At 2:12 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

STOP worrying !!!!!!!look at your father:he started his business at age 50 with 3young kids and a stay home wife plus his own mother to take care of but he did it for 20+ good years.you have all the better element in life and you hesitate:you have your family that won't let you live on the street,your age ,health,knowledge and a bit of money......you are at your prime now don't let your worriesssss stop you go after your dream brother.
your beautiful sis in Toronto

At 2:28 下午, Blogger euqus said...


Correction: Dad's business last till I turned 18 :-)

But, yeah, I got your point.

I always admire him: his courage, his 置之死地而後生... not to mention he kept running the business regardless of all those setbacks: health, ridiculous rent, etc just so that we can be raised...

BTW, does that mean that you're going to support me financially :p

At 6:00 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

My dear brother: you will always have a room in my house( if needed or the basement depend on how much rent you are going to pay....HA HA HA)



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