
It took us four people to load up all the lighting equipments from Vistek that's worth $4000 deposit--a huge set up!
The Groöp Creative Studio was awesome, although it's a bit crowded with 12 people and all the lights packed inside. It's the cheapest I can find--only $100 for a 4-hour rental.

The shooting was very fun, and the kids (well, I should say the youngER adults... sigh, time flies!) liked it very much. One thing though, they kept asking me what I was doing when I was metering the light -- Eric was especially not comfortable with the gadget I put close to his face....
The studio owner was pretty nice that he helped shooting together with me, and suggested on posing--which I'm supposed to have some good idea by now! He also lent me his Canon 20D after I messed up with my Polaroid Land trying to do test shots... And brought out two lens so that I can switch!
What impressed us the most was that he printed almost 10 prints for us to bring back home!
Oh well, it all come to a price--tips (20%). But I do think this is a fair trade, isn't it?

At dinner, as I had expected, mom and dad brought up the topic that I wanted to make cake for the rest of my life.... (which I have to say, it's much more than that!) Anders, Florence, and I had a lot of discussion... and looks like the conclusion was pretty positive! With caveats that I need to:
1. Be prepared for failures;
2. Always have a plan where you can fall back on;
3. Life is short, follow my dreams.
Mom didn't seem like buying into this conclusion. She always think that it's dumb to give up my current job and spend my time making pastries...
Coincidently, I mean VERY coincidently, my fortune cookie said:
Don't let others stop you from doing what you know is right
And Florence gave me hers, read,
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Yeah I know I just prayed for a clearer direction earlier this morning, but wouldn't this be too dramatic?
And then I came across one of my favorite blogs, and liked what the blogger said:
Sigh, whatever I do, it'll be tough.
But since I have one and only one life, I'll have to do what I think is worth spending my life....
Oh wow!!! Thanks for stopping by. It looks like you have a great time learning in Iceland.
All the best!!
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