
Anyways, it's 12.45am now and I started to have my dinner...
Yeah, Tuesday is hectic day--I stayed in the lab for six hours, again. And this time without food AND drinks! Seith is really a perfectionist, but also an excellent instructor. I've never met an instructor who is willing to stay two more hours just for the students. Sometimes I'd think... does he have a family??
After the class I started cooking noodles, and I added purple cabbage into it. I wonder why it created such an awful greenish color??

Oh, here's the print of tonight... if anyone cares. It took me 10 test prints to come to this final version. I've done something wrong even with this print, but hopefully no one notices it... Oh well, as long as I got a pass from Seith I won't "care" too much :-)
I started to like the tedious and tiring printing process. I know... it wouldn't help me too much on how to capture "good" pictures, but it does train my eyes to see color better. On the other hand, I think I'm getting used to the high bar set by Seith, and started to appreciate it--yup, that half a point change in a color filter (in a scale of over a hundred) does change the entire picture a lot!
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