10月 21, 2006


Interested in joining the 苗圃茶馬古道2007 ? It's a charity walk organized by the Sowers Action after 行路上北京 and 助學長征. Looks like the connection walk requires the participants to walk for a month, and you need to raise HKD20,000.

The full route is:

雲南普洱茶的產地(今 西雙版納、思茅等地)出發→下關(今 大理)→ 劍川 →麗江→ 鐵橋城 →中甸(今 香格里拉)→迪慶→ 阿墩子(今 德欽) → 馬兒敢(今 西藏芒康) → 八宿邦達 →昌都→波密→拉薩

The entire trip needs almost four months to finish, and the longest connection route takes 39 days to finish, which is from 香格里拉 to 拉薩!

39 days of walking.... that reminds me Jesus fast in the dessert for 40 days... How did he do it?


I was browsing around Amazon and found out this book. Looks really good, although people started to dislike
Howard Schatz's work because of exarggerated digital editing.

Nevertheless, I think Schatz captured the most beautiful body form, and enhanced the wonderful body lines digitally. Afterall, it's not easy to master digital darkroom techniques, IMHO.

I really wanted to check out this book, but that $250 used book price tag scared me away....

Talking about books, I finally found a newer feature on Amazon that I like - Amazon Upgrade (and a related service launched at the same time called Amazon Page) that was launched last November. I purchased my first online book :-) The good thing I like about this service is that you can search keywords on the book you purchased.

And of course, you can always sell the physical book...

Oh, talking about body, I'm planning to visit this exhibition!


Had a marathon meeting today from 9-6... discussing the future direction of JF. Looks like a lot of challenges are lying ahead!



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