
The full route is:
由雲南普洱茶的產地(今 西雙版納、思茅等地)出發→下關(今 大理)→ 劍川 →麗江→ 鐵橋城 →中甸(今 香格里拉)→迪慶→ 阿墩子(今 德欽) → 馬兒敢(今 西藏芒康) → 八宿邦達 →昌都→波密→拉薩
39 days of walking.... that reminds me Jesus fast in the dessert for 40 days... How did he do it?

Nevertheless, I think Schatz captured the most beautiful body form, and enhanced the wonderful body lines digitally. Afterall, it's not easy to master digital darkroom techniques, IMHO.
I really wanted to check out this book, but that $250 used book price tag scared me away....
Talking about books, I finally found a newer feature on Amazon that I like - Amazon Upgrade (and a related service launched at the same time called Amazon Page) that was launched last November. I purchased my first online book :-) The good thing I like about this service is that you can search keywords on the book you purchased.
And of course, you can always sell the physical book...

Had a marathon meeting today from 9-6... discussing the future direction of JF. Looks like a lot of challenges are lying ahead!
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