So the two rings found where they belong to! Congrats!! It was tiring and stressful--I mean, really stressful-- since there were a lot of people who know how to take formal wedding pictures in the party :-) But I think I did my best... Oh, a coupled people complained to me that they can't take good pictures because the MC explicitly said that flash shouldn't be used during the ceremony because "that would affect the photograher taking good picutres"..... Hum..... How could this request come from me? I didn't use flash anyway?! I know where this request came from... it'd be best not to "put the photograher on the table"....
The wedding was great, fun, and touching other than hauling 40lbs around the entire day.

I needed to take some formal portaits for the studio class today. My friend said that I'm going too fast learning photography. I guess... the classes are just a jump start giving me pointers to where I can start taking technically correct pictures. It's a life long learning process to perfect in this art. And perhaps, without the classes I would never ever take pictures so frequently...

Went to Peggy's place for dinner. She cooked really well! All the dishes were really great, especially the soup -- super sweet! This pic was so funny.... they put a ball in between them to replace me :-) Both Lexin and David were pretty quiet during the dinner.... but when we brought up this topic they were both excited and were like woke up from sleep all of a sudden.....
Hum, looks like there are more competitors then I thought!
Thanks Peggy for cooking and the food, and Lexin for cleaning up all the dishes!
We should definitely do this more often ~ka!
Hey, thanks for your help that day. Didn't know you had to haul 40lbs... Just so that we're clear on the record, we didn't ask Mr. MC to say anything about photography. He has been creative and surprised us a few times.
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