去 Deception Pass 吹吹風

May be that applies to life too?
In the evening we had a swell time with HK style BBQ. John took out his military grade night vision goggle. It was amazing!

If you look at the sky through this gadget, you'll see a lot more stars than your unaided eyes.
"We walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7
All of a sudden, the nigt vision goggle was like the faith that I have inside :)
After the dinner Jeff gave us a tour of the sky. It reminded me Abraham 的信心故事,
"I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore." Genesis 22:17
And looking at the couples in this trip, I felt like I was in heaven--a place full of love.

This reminded me a song I recently came across--
似乎在天堂 (listen)
人群中我悄悄地出走 忘記了已流浪了多久
我的靈魂好孤單 靜靜地讓往事沉澱
找不到暫時的休息站 一路上總忘記了被愛
我的記憶已空白 下一站哪裡是未來
我記得你說你愛我 不論往何走你仍抱著我
淚光中似乎看見你的臉 原來你一直在我身邊
我願意讓你來愛我 不願一個人好孤單地走
我相信愛與被愛那麼真實 在你微笑中我似乎在天堂
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