So today is the first day of the Light Control class. I pretty enjoyed it!
Our instructor is Brian Allen, who does a lot of commercial work. The class isn't that big, just a mere of six students, myself included. Most of them already have extensive experience in photography. I guess some of them do commercial work too.
I just learned that Brian uses a Polaroid 195 to "preview" the lighting situation before shooting the real thing. Polaroid 195 is a lovely camera that you can change the aperture and shutter speed!!

The picture it takes is pretty good too!
I have a Polaroid 220, a gift from my brother-in-law who got it from an estate sale for me. I haven't tried it out, since it needs some weird batteries for its autofocus thingy. I'll probably get some batteries before I visit Toronto in November.
Jeff has arrived! He's going to have class at 7.45am! Wow.. I just can't believe it. If I were him, I would have skipped it :p
So when talking to my elementary schoolmate last night, I found out she has been to a lot of places like Puru, Morocco, Greece, and a lot of other countries! Wow, all of these are my dream country I'd like to travel to too!
Hum, looks like I really have to work on the Tibet trip.
Found this itinerary from another blog. Good reference for planning:
(Oh, and here's another Tibet travel diary that's worth a read: http://lastplayground.blogspot.com/2005/12/tibettravelog.html)
1/8 - 廣州: 晚上坐火車上, 留宿一天, 待明早機.
12/8 - 廣州飛西寧, 接青藏鐡路: 晨早機去西寧, 參觀塔爾寺, 晚坐鐡路(需27小時)赴青藏高原.
13/8 - 火車之旅, 晚扺拉薩: 火車翻越唐古喇山, 穿越可哥西裏無人區, 晚扺拉薩.
14/8 - 拉薩>林芝: 翻越米拉山口, 訪巴松措湖.
15/8 - 林芝>八一鎮: 翻越色季拉山,參觀千年巨柏國家公園, 晚返八一鎮。
16/8 - 八一鎮>澤當: 朗縣
17/8 - 澤當: 參觀桑耶寺, 雍布拉康, 昌珠寺與藏王墓。
18/8 - 澤當>日喀則: 羊卓雍措.
19/8 - 日喀則>定日: 紮什輪布寺, 在烏拉山觀珠峰全景。
20/8 - 定日: 絨布寺, 珠峰大本營.
21/8 - 定日>日喀則: 薩迦寺
22/8 - 日喀則>拉薩: 大昭寺
23/8 - 拉薩: 哲蚌寺參觀”曬大佛”, 沙拉寺
24/8 - 拉薩>納木措: 唐古喇山, 晚觀滿天繁星, 正.
25/8 - 納木措>拉薩: 欣賞納木措全景, 晚返拉薩買手信
26/8 - 拉薩: 參觀布達拉宮, 在羅布林卡看”雪頓節”藏戲表演。
27/8 - 經成都, 往深圳, 回香港
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