9月 18, 2006


Sharing another song. A very good one that I just heard it from the 星光背後人生曲—遇上的驚喜 tonight. I've never heard of the name 王祖藍, but I think he created the climax of the entire night!

Ho gor and a number of other people made the decision to accept Jesus as their personal savior. Congrats! I asked what hit him the most in the messages, he didn't tell. May be it was because of this song :p

Well, this is my question to my 天父 too...
"Where is that special one?"


主唱:王祖藍 / 彭家麗 
作曲 / 填詞:陳立怡 
編曲:John Laudon



(男)               (女)
你是否願意相信,   願意相信,
沒有事情是太早或是太遲。 沒有事情是太早或是太遲。
願意相信,        愛我的主,我願意相信,
我教你順服,我的旨意。 請教我順服,你的旨意。

Argh, 順服... 等待...


Well, what hit me the most tonight except that song? I guess... everyone's testimonies!

彭家麗: (btw, she sings really well! So well that I decided to check out her latest CD 奔向明天》 :) She reminded me that we need to be thankful for every little things that I take them as granted every day... just like being able to walk, or being able to change my position while sleeping!

王祖藍: Why do we need to comapre with others? We're all special in his eyes. He makes everything on purpose.

溫裕虹: To me, it's very difficult to alpologize, especially to your family, to those you love.... but she reminded me that love takes action, and have genuine communication... i.e., not just do this and do that for someone you love!

蔡少芬: Don't focus too much on your succes or failure. The most important thing is... whether you've tried your best or not.


Met a few friends I haven't seen for a long time during the event!


Argh, the photo editing is killing me!!!!!


At 10:30 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hey Boris,

I am reading your blog with the artists and publisher. Thanks for the feedback cause it's the kind of feedback that encourage them to share more about how Christ impacted their lives.

Angela wants you to know she is really happy you were enouraged by their sharings. Oh, do let others to know about their CD!!!

Publisher says she wishes you patience while waiting for the one God has for you. It's never too late but "In His Time"!!!

At 12:10 上午, Blogger euqus said...

Angela and publisher, wish you all have blessed trips for the rest of your stay in the US! Thanks for bringing the good news! Will keep you in prayers.

Richard, "In His Time"... copied that :-)



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