9月 28, 2006


Don't know why... but recently I'm so annoyed by nothing. I know I have a lot to do, but I just don't know where and how to start...


* * *

Looks like I have yet to improve. My friend said I am not facing my own weaknesses... and my friend was forcing me to improve. Such a painful process.

I guess, I need to be motivated.

* * *

Came across this poster by chance. The tagline is pretty thought provoking, isn't it?

Looking into my innerself, there is a place that is, kind of, empty.

"Apart from what I really want, I have everything."

Is what I believe in REAL? Am I a REAL follower of HIM?

What, if any, am I believing in?


At 2:50 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...


At 12:55 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...


At 7:29 下午, Blogger euqus said...

Things that I really need... I haven't figured out yet.

Do I need it? Or do I want it.

At 5:27 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Thing about what you have, not what you don't have



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