8月 10, 2006

success... or not?

Just came across this from another website, thought that it's worth sharing (I know my friend is going to to complain... argh, reposting, not again :)

If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.
-anna quindlen

The B&W class is similar to this situation. I found it very supportive, but sometimes too supportive. We have a critque session at the beginning of the class, where everyone shows the assignment to the class. Very often you'll get constructive comments from the instructor and the classmates. However, if your picture isn't that great, you'll often get a long silence :-) In fact, I'd rather getting more critical but constructive comments on what I can do to make the picture even better...

Oh well, I guess every one of us likes to be complemented... and I guess that's why I am so looking forward to the class every week--it's like a theraphy to me now that I can release my pressure from work and life.


My sister and her family are here now! The kids are so funny. I didn't know Christina has the gift of seeing through objects behind the lens too! You can really feel the mood in some of her pics.

Good job!



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