I talked to mom tonight, asking the same question I ask her all the time in our phone calls --
"What are you doing, mom?"
"Just wrote a letter to your uncle"
I thought... writing a letter? I haven't heard anyone writing a letter these days... don't you usually just give him a phone call?
"Why writing a letter, mom?" my curiosity hits me.
"Coz... your uncle can't really listen to anything now..."
That's true.
The cancer's.
May be I really need to go back and see him. Before his vision is lost... Before everything is too late.
Sigh... life and death, twists and turns.
That could be one of the reasons I want to leave Seattle--nothing is more important than staying closer to the family when you still have a chance.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." -- Revelation 21:4
I have finally started scanning my B&W assignments ;) Here are a few of them...

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