today's fortune
How true! I remember my friend once said the same thing to me....
Argh, my FM2 isn't working too well, since the shutter stays opened from time to time... Fortunately Glalzers' is kind enough to take it back--they said even it's over their warranty period it's ok to take it back ;-)
I guess.... that's the beauty of local retailer.
My friend said that online retailing is like a sunset industry now... haha... may be it's true.
In internet time.
Oh, the FM2 is a great little camera that I love it a lot. These photos show her inner beauty...
I have been shooting with her 90% of the time these days for the class assignments that I almost forget how to use my other camera... and in deed, I missed half of the pics I took the other day because of the unfamiliarity....
Sassy is so looking forward to escape again whenever I open up a window :-)

Great picture of Sassy, wow! You are getting so good now :)
thanks :-)
FM2 or not, it's just a black box. It doesn't determine how the picture turns out.
匿名者, you're half right. FM2, or any other camera, is just yet another black box... until you develop 'relationship' with it... And that familiarity will affect the picture... don't you agree?
Yes. I wasn't very specific. A camera body does affect how you take picture and influence your vision a bit, but ultimately, it's the vision of the photographer that determines the outcome of a picture.
I saw comment from your other post that people are asking what camera you use. For some reasons, my comment got posted here instead.
Anyhow, don't take it personal. I was just trying to address the other poster.
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