17年前的往事, 仍然清晰。

Recently I wasn't in a good mood so I decided to stroll around Seattle after meeting up with C. After cruising aimlessly for a while, I ended up finding myself in Volunteer Park Conservatory.

The plants were well taken care of, and their beauty left me in awe.

However, I found the wildflower blooming on the lawn next to the conservatory looked even prettier. Without any spoken word, they proclaimed the wonders of our heavenly father. He takes care every little creature, no matter how unimportant they seemingly are--everything happens for a purpose!!
I then went on to the Seattle Asian Art Museum. The work of Johsel Namkung was amazing! I really like the way he communicates with nature -- his eyes often find beauty among unexpected places. For example, when shooting at dawn, people usually focus on capturing the "macro beauty" like the sun, the mountains, etc. But Namkung aimed at shooting little things like the water grass (found around the shore of Picture Lake, WA) below, trying to capture their first reflection of sunlight.

Isn't life a lot more beautiful, if we are sensitive to the "micro beauty" of our surroundings? Just take a look around within 10 feet of where you are now, you will for sure find something beautiful--if you try viewing it in different perspectives.
I also like the way he decides when to press the shutter. Unlike me, who almost always take photos a multiple times and hoping for a good picture comes up by chance, he "fights" with nature and tries various perspective until he finds the perfect view. So his work was never cropped, leaving everything in great detail.
Looking at his photos, you really can tell his dialog with the nature outside -- as well as inside -- his mind.
There were a few pictures of Shi Shi Beach, WA (located in the wilderness of Olympic National Park). There's no paved road getting there so one has to walk about 5 miles on undeveloped tracks. But hey, walking 5 miles isn't a thing to find this hidden gem!
Heee, I'm planning a trip now!
In the evening we had a wonton battle: Shanghai vs. Canton :-)
Too bad our chef friend left us last week to pursue his dreams in Hong Kong... Hopefully he's already gotten use to the pace in the lively city.
Anyways, I think this 1-year old tradition of theme dinner party needs to be continued, or else life in Seattle can become dull...

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