
惟 喜 愛 耶 和 華 的 律 法 , 晝 夜 思 想 , 這 人 便 為 有 福 !
他 要 像 一 棵 樹 栽 在 溪 水 旁 , 按 時 候 結 果 子 , 葉 子 也 不 枯 乾 。 凡 他 所 做 的 盡 都 順 利 。
I was officially rejected :-(
I don't have a lot of disappointment, instead, I really feel 平靜、安穩與喜樂!
My housemate reminded me that... He's in control. Yup, He is walking with me hand in hand.
I need your prayer support though... if you don't know yet, I'm looking for another team in my workplace. Looks like I need to brush up my interviewing skills.
收拾心情, 再上路!
David asked me a few times what should be the main theme of the concert, and I happened to come across these:
One of my favorite verses :)
Yup, this is a good one!
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