3月 28, 2006

I slept in a restaurant!

Yes, I did sleep in a Finnish restaurant tonight... after I had a traditional Finnish sauna that uses wood-fired stove. It was quite an experience sitting down naked with friendly locals--all but me were aged Finns who could afford sitting in the sauna for three hours a day.

I also slept whenever I got a chance, like sitting on a tram going to the train station. Oh, did I mention that I slept for three hours only last night? Yeah, the hostel was way too scary that I didn´t get a good sleep.

Tallinn was a city that 值得細細走過每個角落... especially 在微雨裡....

However there was an icy rain this morning in Tallinn, so the helicopter thing was cancelled (I left the border and re-enter it within 15 mins). So I took an ordinary plane on FinnAir to Helsinki.

意外地,Helsinki 是我此行最喜歡的城市! Their buildings were mostly Russian style, but their modern architecture was really impressive. I´ve decided to come back one day, and have a 建築旅行. And of course, their product/furniture design 是我最喜歡的風格了! I went to Kiasma, an art museum of contemporary arts. Great exhibition. 我被打動了...

Oh, the food here is interesting but not good at all. I started to 懷念家中的筷子... Looking back to my blog photos, 香港仔 的 四寶麵+炸魚皮 wasn´t that bad at all...

And, haha, I forgot to pick up my luggage after I stepped out the restricted area!

I guess I need to catch some sleep now

I´ll stroll around Stockholm tomorrow morning, and then I´ll head back home.



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