3月 04, 2006

Counseling session 2

So I met the counselor again yesterday... and C helped me to realize that I might not be *that* interested in becoming a chef afterall--at least I'm not quite ready for that. Why? Because I didn't have that vibrant passion/emotion when I told C about my "dream job".

So C helped me to figure out my inner self, and brought me back to those occasions where I felt being pround of myself. And what C wanted me to do was to analyze my characters that contributed to those "feeling great, feeling proud" moments.

One thing that popped out of my mind... my idea was accpeted and being followed by the class in an interschool competition :) Small potatoes, but it meant a lot to me.

I'm being more positive towards my job now, cos I know where I'm heading to!

The bible study tonight was meaningful, and good dynamics! Looks like people are more and more involved.

看 哪 , 農 夫 忍 耐 等 候 地 裡 寶 貴 的 出 產 , 直 到 得 了 秋 雨 春 雨 。

你 們 也 當 忍 耐 , 堅 固 你 們 的 心 , 因 為 主 來 的 日 子 近 了 。 (James 5)

The biblical interpretation of "patient" is to wait with a hope. His blessings are like 秋 雨 春 雨, it will come for sure.

I don't know why, but the words 信 心, 忍 耐, 等 候, 求 appear a lot these days in different occasions.

OK, God, I got it.


At 6:12 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Be patient.
It took me 8 years for me to fall in love with my career. Now, I am more than excited! Of course, I'll still pursue filmmaking as a hobby.



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