Children of heaven..
Wow, you just can't believe it... This is what ho gor has prepared for my dinner... I came back home from the gym late in the evening and found this....

(You're taking your heart into your cooking... If you can have the same attitude towards everything....)
Workout is great! It helps me to think.
And I thought of "The Children of Heaven"...
(for some reasons, I typed "chicken of heaven" instead when I searched for it. It must be the effect of last night's yummy soy sauce chicken :)

This Iranian film is rich in content, and the picture is really beautiful. No wonder it has 5/5 points reviewed by 115 customers :)
I especially like the last part of it: You just need to run for the first prize. You can't think of just winning the thrid place! If you don't win, you'll just lose the game!
So the boy (Ali) won the first, but he was sad... so sad that he actually cried when he received the prize. Why? Since he coudln't get the pair of sneakers that her sister needed the most--and he couuld get it only if he won the 3rd place.

Well... surprisingly thir father saved some money and bought both of them a pair of new shoes--they just didn't know that.

Isn't that exactly the same message I'm getting lately??
On Saturday I asked my counsellor C: "Why do I need to work passionately to create software that is doomed to be forgotten within a few months?!"
On Sunday the Bilbe verses reminded me that eventhough God knew that I would sin against Him, He created all cratures and all things for me! He devoted 100% of His energy and His artistic mind to create all these things! He even cared about my emotional desires so He created a spouse for me. Why, did He do all these, if I'm doomed to send to hell if not He died on the cross and save me?!
And tonight, through the film I watched yesterday, He said to me that all I needed to worry was to get win this race of life. He has prepared for the rest, a perfect plan--just like the father of that little boy.
Now these verses are much more menaingful to me....
我 見 神 叫 世 人 勞 苦 , 使 他 們 在 其 中 受 經 練 。神 造 萬 物 , 各 按 其 時 成 為 美 好 , 又 將永 生 ( 原 文 是 永 遠 ) 安 置 在 世 人 心 裡 。 然 而 神 從 始 至 終 的 作 為 , 人 不 能 參 透 。 傳道書 3:10-11
My wandering mind has finally settled.
And I stand in awe....
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