Love is.... a force of nature?
I slept once in a while in the movie last night... sorry, the movie was great but I was too tired :)

The goofy posts from imdb is pretty fun to read. Here's one:
Jack is chopping wood when Aguirre approaches to give news of his sick uncle. Jack places the next log on the chopping block as he turns to speak to Aguirre. After the conversation is over and Jack turns back to chopping, the log is gone and he replaces the log that was never chopped.
Love is indeed a force of nature:
耶 和 華 神 就 用 那 人 身 上 所 取 的 肋 骨 造 成 一 個 女 人 , 領 他 到 那 人 跟 前 。那 人 說 : 這 是 我 骨 中 的 骨 , 肉 中 的 肉 , 可 以 稱 他 為 女 人 , 因 為 他 是 從 男 人 身 上 取 出 來 的 。因 此 , 人 要 離 開 父 母 , 與 妻 子 連 合 , 二 人 成 為 一 體 。
當 時 夫 妻 二 人 赤 身 露 體 , 並 不 羞 恥 。
If every one has a Garden of Eden, it needs to be the one described.
Ang Lee calls it "Garden of Eden" I call it fantasies... whatever it is... this movie is filled with twisted logic and false reasoning, why? Replace Jack with a female character and you'll see, some guy engaged have an affair with another women, but still marries his fiancee, then goes back to have an affair with the other woman and end up destroying everyone's lives. So why put homosexual elements in there? Cos it'll click with the liberals and somehow make Ennis and Jack look like victims of social intolerance rather than irresponsible, childish dreamer who dwell in their own fantasies
That's true... homosexual is just yet another sin...
"if Jake had been a woman he wouldn't have married someone else"
bobvb, I don't agree, extramarital affairs happens no matter what gender the "third party" is...
There're many what-if scenarios that could have happened and things could be different, but the idea is that the story uses homosexuality as an excuse for Ennis not being faithful to his fiancee; one could blame this on society but Ennis still had the choice. In this sense the characters need not be homosexual.
What is true love? How can Ennis be sure, couldn't Alma be this true love? One need not look further than current trend to question how true "true love" really is.
By using the phrase "last millennium" you make it sound like ages ago. To set that record straight the story was published in 1997.
I was mistaken to use the word "putting", my contention is that the story is a love tragedy which puts the blame on society instead of the actions of the lovers themselves. In that sense I did miss a point, as one reviewer puts it, the story normalizes homosexuality and that normal men can also have homosexual inclinations
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