2月 17, 2006

A few things I learnt today...

The throwing class was a bit odd tonight since it's super quiet. People started heading off while there was almost an hour left.

Marise made a couple of unexpected pieces :)

My huge plate was, sadly, damaged by someone. But I guess it's ok, since it wasn't perfect anyway.

I spent my entire night trimming the plate. Whenever you work behind the wheel make sure you started with a good centering, or else the piece will never become symmetrical.

Good centering!

Well, I guess life's like that too :)

After the class I went to the gym, and watched the Olympics at the same time.

Wescott & Zidek's competition was really exciting.

I like what Wescott said... You need to have confidence and patience.


Then I watched Yevgney Plushenko's figure skating.

The story of Yevgney's upbringing was very touching...

Determination was what I've learnt from him...

Received this elephant from my ex-boss after his India trip. Colorful 'precious' stones are engraved on it!

elephant from India



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