Very bad day for making plates today.
How bad it is? I came to the lab at 1.30pm, but didn't get the one and only one piece done at 6pm. I tried at least 10 times throwing a plate today, and learning techniques (along with waiting luck) in a hard way. But determination led me to this piece that I like the most so far:

Marise spent half the time I needed on her piece tonight, which turned out to be really nice:

Very talented!
Oh, I found this hidden gem in BCC!!! An authentic tulip table from Knoll.... This would cost you $500+ from ebay.

(haha, eventually I got a positive feedback from the flickr community! Looks like my w800i isn't that bad =)
I picked up some take out from the new Veggie House in Kirkland tonight. The owner was really nice to me that she gave me deep fried spring rolls and 齋滷味! The restaurant is located next to Santosa.

Good: No MSG! You must try their 腐皮卷. Also VERY inexpensive, much better than the Teapot in Redmond.
Not so good: Some dishes (especially the entree) are using more or less the same ingredients...
Note: If you buy take out, consider bringing your own container. You'll help saving the polluted world, and will get a 10% off!

Watched Bruce Almighty after the dinner.

I didn't have a good impression about Jim Carrey. However I liked this one very much. ... it let me rethink what a true prayer should be, and what love really means.
你 這 個 人 哪 , 你 是 誰 , 竟 敢 向 神 強 嘴 呢 ? 受 造 之 物 豈 能 對 造 他 的 說 : 你 為 甚 麼 這 樣 造 我 呢 ?
窯 匠 難 道 沒 有 權 柄 從 一 團 泥 裡 拿 一 塊 做 成 貴 重 的 器 皿 , 又 拿 一 塊 做 成 卑 賤 的 器 皿 麼 ?
倘 若 神 要 顯 明 他 的 忿 怒 , 彰 顯 他 的 權 能 , 就 多 多 忍 耐 寬 容 那 可 怒 預 備 遭 毀 滅 的 器 皿 ,
又 要 將 他 豐 盛 的 榮 耀 彰 顯 在 那 蒙 憐 憫 早 預 備 得 榮 耀 的 器 皿 上 。
(羅 馬 書 9)
忍 耐 寬 容 我!
一團泥? 神在乎!
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