2月 22, 2006

眼看大路行盡 絕處偏偏碰見吊橋

連同昨天所輸的 一起找到了
哭泣夠了 我以後要笑
這一個是我的 碰上即刻知道 不必揭曉
連最想得到的 我都找到了
穿梭人潮 引誘幾多 不再動搖
從未像這樣確定 一伸手抱你 已經抱到最實了

Reposted from ho gor's blog... thought that it's a very good song. How come it's not in the CD?


At 11:26 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...


At 6:31 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

why do you keep reposting things from ho gor's blog?

At 9:55 上午, Blogger euqus said...

well... i repost things from interesting sites from time to time... the last was from ambiv



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