看 風 的 , 必 不 撒 種 ; 望 雲 的 , 必 不 收 割 。
He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow,
and he who regards the clouds will not reap.
Ecclesiastes 11:4
I like the metaphore of kniting a robe--the robe gets stronger if you combine two strings: One is the "good times", and the other one, the "bad times"....
After the dinner, 有點忐忑, 有點 亂... I think I have used up all my chocolate quota for the entire year!
Thanks Andy's sharing yesterday. There are a lot of channels to express oneself (towards God). Sometimes it's 無聲勝有聲... !
無聲勝有聲.... it's more powerful than thousands words.
PS1. Part of my 忐忑 is that ho gor may not be able to pass his very special non-academic "final exam" (although I whole heartedly wish that he can pass =)
PS2. The other part is that I may never have a chance to write my own....
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