尋 找...
Lately there are a few things 在尋找中... I need to pray earnesly on these things.
... 因 他 情 詞 迫 切 (shameless persistence and insistence) 的 直 求 , 就 必 起 來 照 他 所 需 用 的 給 他 。我 又 告 訴 你 們 , 你 們 祈 求 , 就 給 你 們 ; 尋 找 , 就 尋 見 ; 叩 門 , 就 給 你 們 開 門 。因 為 , 凡 祈 求 的 , 就 得 著 ; 尋 找 的 , 就 尋 見 ; 叩 門 的 , 就 給 他 開 門
May be I'm not humble enough to ask for help. Of course, laziness is another reason.
When I was a child I used to think that God must be too busy to respond to my request. Wouldn't that be true? There were trillions ppl asking God for something at the same time, how can He be possible to repsond to mine--in MY time :)
Haha redicule me!
Prayer has powerful impact. I'm sure one day the door(s) will open for me if I keep on asking, shmelessly.
I finally got a fish tank from craigslist. It cost only $200 for the entire set, including the tank, the stand, all accessories, and the fish! Also the tank was delivered to me from 100 miles away...
At first I wanted to get the fancy goldfish so I planned to mercifully end the fish's life tonight. But then after checking out their price at petco, the fish alone worth around $100.
That was the same price I paid when I adopted Sassy :)

Fortunately they are living together peacefully!
it's meant to be there for sassy's entertainment :)
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