Stormtropper in Tokyo + 年初二之開年飯...
Next time when you visit Tokyo and you see a stormtropper walking down the street, it can possibly be my previous boss.... danny choo (the son of Jimmy Choo who designed shoes for people like the late Princess Diana).

Went to Florence's place to have 開年飯. Again, I didn't know that this is a ritual for the Chinese to please the gods. To me, it's just another reason for a family to gather for good food.
My sister's cooking is super good. 小弟甘拜下風!
Eric is really cute. At the age of five he knows all kinds of car already. We were talking about cars and when he knew that I'm driving a Nissan Sentra he suddenly changed the topic....

Asked about his dream car?
When it goes down to dream, I guess that's the ultimate one.
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