mixed feeling with 屋企人
返屋企 is not always as enjoyable as I thought... it can be depressing sometimes--tension, miscommunications, pressure... on the other hand, when I don't see them I always miss them.
Sigh, I guess that's what 屋企人 is always like? Or, is it just my family?
Since I can't choose, what I can do is to make it better...
So I always make good things when I'm with parents, so that I can make use of my time and divert thier attention...
This time I made 鴨汁海參

I'm thinking of sassy, hopefully she's doing fine and being treated well! Ho gor's blog is worrying me :)
Didn't know why we have 人 日 until now:
根 據 《 占 書 》 記 載 , 指 出 由 初 一 開 始 , 上 天 創 造 萬 物 的 次 序 是 「 一 雞 二 狗 、 三 豬 四 羊 、 五 牛 六 馬 、 七 人 八 穀 」 。 所 以 初 七 便 是 人 日
May be we should celebrate 人 日 every Saturday instead, since God created us on the 6th day....
Sassy picked up a new trick of opening the cupboard doors under the bathroom sink and likes to hide underneath -- because it's warmer there :-p
hum.... warmer?
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