Good use of the rain!
Today is the gloomiest day of 2006.
Feeling a bad day today? No worries, we can always think positively! Like making use of the rain....

Just finished watching it... I'm actually disappointed. Why? Because I didn't even want to cry! I was told that this is a touching story that can easily make one cries... may be I have too much expectation?
Next time I go out, I'll make sure my jacket has a side pocket.
But what if it's summer time?? Well, may be I'll wrap a bunch of ice packs around myself :)
I like the theme of the story though:
(quoted from hkbookcity)
I was asking myself... will I ever get this courage to go back and see the one I love--given that I know ahead of time that I will die pretty soon, but if I choose another path I can probably avoid this and start 另一種人生??
Well, God chose to come to earth, even though He knew all things that were going to happen to Him... being betrayed, crucified, and burried.
But His love was so powerful that He 下定了決心,笑著,去見我們.
珍惜, 因為一切不是必然...
PS1 Mr-Andrew-Ng's Estouffad of beef was awesome!!! Too bad 8 of us were sharing two little portion while someone got to take the entire bowl alone :) The beef was really 醒胃! Thanks for delivering it!
PS2 Thanks for the bedside surprise!
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