1月 19, 2006

First time throwing on the wheel

It was difficult but fun!

Our first project was to play around with the clay. Guess which one was made by me?

guess which one I made?

Now the (more) difficult part -- throwing on the wheel. It seems to be really easy when the instructor demonstrated it. Indeed, he did everything like magic. The clay was like part of him and under his command. He can shape it in various forms.

However when it was our turn, I can't even center it correctly. My first trial collapsed from a "bowl" to a "plate" and then to garbage :)

With the help of the instructor, the second try was much better, and I made a decent looking pot/bowl... heee...

Talking about that news from the Next magazine about my secondary schoolmate 曹 偉 超 .... my friend reminded me what is important--it's better to live happily, take the time to learn things, and just enjoy the life as it is...

滿 了 一 把 , 得 享 安 靜 , 強 如 滿 了 兩 把 , 勞 碌 捕 風 。


At 3:29 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

hey where was this clay place?

At 11:02 下午, Blogger euqus said...

It's in BCC!



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