1月 06, 2006

Dead or alive?

Got these tulips from Costco for myself about a week ago, but starting from day 2 they decided to give way to gravity... So looks like I should go to other places for fresh cut flowers next time. Hum... may be I should try the Pike Place.

Dead or alive?

Tomorrow will be the first meeting of our taoming group. I'm still preparing the bible study.

James 4:14

Hopefully our gathering won't be just 過眼雲煙 . . . This year, we need to go deep.


At 2:01 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

try putting in ice cubes ;)

At 2:32 下午, Blogger euqus said...

yeah i tried ice cubes and put in the 'food' for the flowers but didn't help.

anyone knows where i can get better fresh flowers in the seattle wa area?

At 4:00 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

if it's really due to gravity, maybe you should cut the stem shorter so that the vase can act as a support for the flower?

At 3:42 下午, Blogger euqus said...

haha I like this solution!! Thanks andrew...



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