年廿六, 要剪髮喇!!
Tomorrow is 年廿六! So excited... I wanted to get a hair cut before going back to home (and my parents do not know about this :) it's meant to be a surprise!
The Studio One isn't really good at all. Hum... any suggestions where I can get a good hair cut in the Seattle/Bellevue area??
Looks like Ho Gor is making a plan for 情人節 haha.. I asked what day is it and he immediately said it's Wednesday. Too bad, he got it wrong, it should be Tuesday ar :)
堀江貴文, the head of livedoor.com has been arrested!

(courtesy of The Economist)
I haven't heard about him until recently when his news is everywhere.
And when I searched for his information, I found this site that was pretty useful:
The Asia Pacific Headhunter It has a lot of tips on how to get a good job in Asia.
Check out the "Recruiting Blogs" column on the left bottom.
PS1: The chicken costs $2/person. But if you give me a ride...
PS2: 忘 記 背 後 , 努 力 面 前...
PS3: Thanks for the ramen!
PS4: Ho gor 個 blog 好攪笑, 詩人獨憔悴, 樣子殘又殘 haha!
PS5: I'm not that 邪惡 wor
Ps6: Looking forward to receiving a 茶bow in 情人節
PS7: So many PS's :) 死未!
I booked one lar!
Suggested by [(tu)] [(sn)] :
Ben's Hair & Plus One
Address: 10629 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (425) 454-3704
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