選擇錯誤... 嘆氣!
Life is a series of choices... if you don't choose it correctly, you'll be doomed.
I chose to not going to the tech conference today to fix a bug, but then our software was timing out and it's been brought to the attention of my director (since my upper two level of managers were out of the office). So he came to my team area, found out that only me is in the office, so he 大石壓死蟹 asked me to fix the problem.
Aiya... and then I was moved to another team's area, setting up a temporary cubicle, and was being watched by five engineers of another team over my shoulder fixing the problem.
It's definitely a 錯誤選擇... I should have gone to the conference....
Fortunately I paged the other teammates and bring them back to the office to help out.
Talking about the solution... it's another thing that 令人嘆氣!
I proposed one of the solutions is A. Then that coworker said we definitely can not do that. Oh well, then I sort of shut up and then work on my own things.
Then my boss called from India and talked with that coworker for about 30 minutes... and the outcome?
Going back to do A.
May be I should stand firm on what I think is correct... but then, that coworder got a masters from mit and a phd from standford.... (and he's at his 20's)
Looks like I have a bad habit "Never feeling good enough" as described in this boook:

Remedy? Act like I am a mit/standford graduate =)
In the evening we had a dinner with Bill Stephens and Kwai Lin who came back from their field in Mongolia. They haven't changed much, although Kwai Lin has more white hair now. They both look older than what they should be at their age. I guess that's because of the living environment in Mongolia? I heard that people over their generally dies at the age of 60's.
Their two girls are studying at an International school in India.
It was a very good trip in 2002. They asked if I will go back.... when we shake hands while I'm about to leave, Kwai Lin said that my hands are very warm... which is suitable to live in Mongolia??

(Mongolia, 2002. taken by mei yu)
Well, may be I can spare some of my 'healthiness' and use it for missionaries?
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