alcohol effect and calling...
I've started to take less alcohol these days, but because of this friend who came back from HK for a visit, a total of five of us consumed one wine and 8 bottles of beers...
Under the alcohol effect, we all had a swell time (well, of course, it's more than that -- the food was great and the treasured friendship). In our sharings, interestingly enough, we all mentioned about going back to HK to develop our career. Someone said he wanted to be a teacher, but he hesitated since he thought there would be a huge pay cut. Another said that he wanted to be a chef but it'd be better to be more realistic so he decided to stay in his current field. The third person was pretty passionalte about game programming when I knew him and he now wanted to be a trader. The last person said being a counsellor was his dream but he's still thinking of it.

What about me ? ? ?
Well... I'm the worst of all. In the past I wanted to run a restaurant business. But that was the past...
傳 道 書 2 has very good reminders
人 莫 強 如 吃 喝 , 且 在 勞 碌 中 享 福 , 我 看 這 也 是 出 於 神 的 手 。
Calling from God, can it be as simple as living out my life joyfully?
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